Invitation to a conversation on the future of Mental Health services in Manchester. Upper Hall, Friends’ Meeting House, 6 Mount Street M2 5NS, on Thursday 29 th August 2013, at 5.30 – 7.30pm Since April 2013, North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups have taken on responsibility for commissioning NHS Mental Health services in Manchester. We have recently released our draft commissioning intentions document that describes how we think Mental Health services should look by 2015. The event will begin with a brief presentation outlining our commissioning intentions and where they fit in the overall commissioning process. This will be followed by table discussions and a Panel Q&A. Panel members will include: Dr Martin Whiting, Clinical Lead North Manchester CCG; Carolina Ciliento, Deputy Head of Mental Health Commissioning (Mental health and Learning Disabilities) Craig Harris, Executive Nurse and Director of City Wide Commissioning, ...