This week I met with John Butler, the mental health
development worker for Macc. John is helping to co-ordinate a new initiative
called The Mental Health Recovery Network for Manchester - more details below. They are looking for
organisations and individuals to join, especially those who are mental health
carers or people with lived experience of mental health difficulties.
The Recovery Network is inviting all people with an interest
in Mental Health services in Manchester to step outside of the current system
into a safe space which is owned equally by everyone. The aim is to bring
people from all sides of mental health together to improve services in
Manchester and ultimately give people a better chance of recovery. The Recovery
Network has already held its first meeting and you can download a copy of the
meeting report, as well as more information about the Network and how to join, on
the Manchester Community Central website. It is very much in the early stages
and if you read the report you’ll see that a very open approach is being taken
to what the concept of recovery is, based on people’s views and experiences in
The next meeting of the Network is on: Thursday 27 June 2013
– more details will be available soon on the website.
Our parent charity Rethink Mental Illness have a whole range of information about recovery available online. It is very much a personal journey and the many people who do go on a journey of recovery show that a mental health diagnosis does not mean 'the end'.