Our Chair, Lindsey Cree and group member Dawn Perrry have both just appeared on BBC1 Breakfast News to talk about carers and mental health. You'll be about to catch them on iPlayer - their slot was at 9.15. It's so important that GPs can help explain the care system and signpost to sources of peer and voluntary sector support. Well done Lindsey and Dawn, you were great.
If you watched the programme and have come here looking for help and support there are various places to go. Our parent charity Rethink Mental Illness has a huge range of information and fact sheets for service users and carers available online and has a fantastic helpline open daily from 10-1. There are local groups like ours all over the country. Likewise, the Carers Trust provide a huge range of information, help and support for carers of any type and run a range of local centres (we meet at one of them).
If you live in or around Manchester you are of course welcome to get in touch with us and come along to our group meetings which take place every second Wednesday of the month at Manchester Carers Centre from 6-8pm.
If you watched the programme and have come here looking for help and support there are various places to go. Our parent charity Rethink Mental Illness has a huge range of information and fact sheets for service users and carers available online and has a fantastic helpline open daily from 10-1. There are local groups like ours all over the country. Likewise, the Carers Trust provide a huge range of information, help and support for carers of any type and run a range of local centres (we meet at one of them).
If you live in or around Manchester you are of course welcome to get in touch with us and come along to our group meetings which take place every second Wednesday of the month at Manchester Carers Centre from 6-8pm.