At our meeting next Weds 10th July, 6-7.45pm we will be showing Patient Voices digital stories which use video/dvd to convey patients' and carers' own stories in a unique way. They are intended to touch the hearts of managers, clinicians and others striving to improve the quality of health and social care, and are used to engage with the Patient and Public Involvement (PPI), and to provide qualitative evidence of the patient experience. See
Our Chair, Lindsey Cree, will be showing her dvd which is part of her journey as the parent of a child with schizophrenia. The screening will be followed by a discussion.
You are all very welcome.
Our Chair, Lindsey Cree, will be showing her dvd which is part of her journey as the parent of a child with schizophrenia. The screening will be followed by a discussion.
You are all very welcome.