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Showing posts from June, 2013

Manchester Recovery Network event - 27th June

Here's an update from MACC about an event coming up... Please put this important date in your diary for the next Manchester mental health recovery network event.  June 27th 11-4 at the St Thomas Centre This event is for everyone with an interest in recovery so please circulate to staff (VCS and Statutory), people using services and carers. At this event we will be doing more work on developing a vision for the network and an outcomes framework. We will also be deciding how we will collect recovery stories as a source of celebration, learning and evidence. To book a place please email   or phone 0161 834 9823 Further information will be circulated before the event for more information about what has happened so far click on the link below

North West social event - 18th June

Join us for a FREE social event in Manchester. Tuesday June 18th 2013, 6.15pm – 9.15pm St Thomas Centre, Ardwick Green, M12 6FZ. Come and join us for a social evening of networking and fun. Bring your partner or friend, and meet some of our Rethink staff and group members from our 5 North West Groups – Bury, Lancashire, Manchester, Oldham and Stockport. If you would like to come along please let your group Coordinator, or one of our organisers know (below) so we can cater for the right numbers of people. Lindsey Cree – Chair, Rethink Manchester Carers Telephone 07757 082976 Email Download the flier with more information .