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Showing posts from June, 2009

Running the Manchester 10k

On 17th May I ran the Manchester 10k to raise funds for RMCIA. Thanks to everyone who sponsored me - you helped to raise nearly £200!. It was a bit of a challenge as I had a stitch from 2k onwards and spent the last kilometre with my hand dug in my side trying to get rid of it - which made me look a bit like a one-winged chicken!

Launch event

On Wednesday 13th May 2009 over 50 people got together at Manchester Carers Centre to celebrate the launch of Rethink Manchester Carers in Action. We heard from a range of speakers including Diane Miller from Time to Change, a groundbreaking national campaign that is challenging people’s perceptions of mental health problems, Shirley Devine, Chief Executive of Manchester Carers Centre, Grainne Cuerden, North West Regional Manager for Rethink and from Karen Machin who is active in mental health campaigning. We finished off the evening by cutting through stigma - or more specifically cutting a cake with the word 'stigma' written across it. A very tasty start to our campaigning activity!