We've just received this announcement from the Trust...
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust recently announced that they passed into the final Monitor phase of their Foundation Trust application. This means that they will shortly be launching our Governor elections and need people who are passionate about improving our services to come forward and stand for election. As a Governor you would play a big part in shaping services by representing the views of service users and carers as well as carrying out key statutory duties.
There will be 14 Public Governors on the Council of Governors representing four constituencies – North Manchester (five Governors), South Manchester (five), Greater Manchester (three) and Out of Area (one). These 14 Governors will sit alongside four staff Governors and seven appointed Governors representing partner organisations such as Manchester City Council.
There are lots of reasons for standing as a Foundation Trust Governor. For some, becoming a Governor of an NHS Foundation Trust will provide the opportunity to represent the views of your community to help develop and improve mental health, social care and wellbeing services in Manchester. For others, it is the chance to put something back into their local NHS or to help reduce stigma against people with mental health problems or disabilities.
Becoming a Governor also offers the opportunity to build new social networks and learn new, transferable skills which can help enhance your CV and provide new experiences.
The only criteria are that you are over 16 and a member of the Foundation Trust already (details of how to sign up are at the bottom of this article). Members who decide to stand will be given all the support they need throughout the process and training on how to carry out the role will be given to all those who are successfully elected.
There is much more information on becoming a Governor available from the Trust. To find out more or to become a member contact the Foundation Trust Membership Office on 0161 2771222 or email ftmembership@mhsc.nhs.uk.
Alternatively, you can go to http www.mhsc.nhs.uk/foundation-trust/becoming-a-governor
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust recently announced that they passed into the final Monitor phase of their Foundation Trust application. This means that they will shortly be launching our Governor elections and need people who are passionate about improving our services to come forward and stand for election. As a Governor you would play a big part in shaping services by representing the views of service users and carers as well as carrying out key statutory duties.
There will be 14 Public Governors on the Council of Governors representing four constituencies – North Manchester (five Governors), South Manchester (five), Greater Manchester (three) and Out of Area (one). These 14 Governors will sit alongside four staff Governors and seven appointed Governors representing partner organisations such as Manchester City Council.
There are lots of reasons for standing as a Foundation Trust Governor. For some, becoming a Governor of an NHS Foundation Trust will provide the opportunity to represent the views of your community to help develop and improve mental health, social care and wellbeing services in Manchester. For others, it is the chance to put something back into their local NHS or to help reduce stigma against people with mental health problems or disabilities.
Becoming a Governor also offers the opportunity to build new social networks and learn new, transferable skills which can help enhance your CV and provide new experiences.
The only criteria are that you are over 16 and a member of the Foundation Trust already (details of how to sign up are at the bottom of this article). Members who decide to stand will be given all the support they need throughout the process and training on how to carry out the role will be given to all those who are successfully elected.
There is much more information on becoming a Governor available from the Trust. To find out more or to become a member contact the Foundation Trust Membership Office on 0161 2771222 or email ftmembership@mhsc.nhs.uk.
Alternatively, you can go to http www.mhsc.nhs.uk/foundation-trust/becoming-a-governor