It’s our AGM tonight and as well as being a good chance to review the past year it’s a great opportunity to communicate with each other about what we would like to see happening in our group. So come along and share your thoughts.
Our current treasurer, Shail, is standing down this year and we would like to thank her for the time she has given to us. We will be looking for someone to fill the role, so if you are interested let us know. Also, if you are not a member of Rethink Mental Illness come along to find out how you can join and become part of the UK’s largest charity for people with severe mental illness, their families, friends and colleagues.
The AGM tonight is from 6 – 7.45pm at Manchester Carers Centre. If you are travelling by public transport or by foot, a ‘walking bus’ will leave from the taxi rank at Manchester Piccadilly station at 5:30pm. Please call Lindsey Cree on 07757 082976 to let us know you will be coming, so we know to wait for you. If you are travelling by car then free parking is available on Pollard Street from 6pm.