Last year Rethink Mental Illness, the national charity that we're a part of, asked councils to tell them if they had cut or increased the money they plan to spend on mental health services. They got some very confusing answers.
In fact, some councils asked them to wait for the figures they submit to the Government later in the year instead. They did - and these numbers weren’t clear either.
Rethink Mental Illness believes that you should be able to easily get to clear information that shows how much money your council spends on the mental health services they provide.
They think this is vital at a time when services are being cut and councils have less money. That's why Rethink Mental Illness is calling on Grant Shapps, the Minister responsible for local government to ensure that councils show communities what they are spending on services .
You can help by taking action. Find out what's happening in your local council and email Grant Shapps, the Minster for Local Government.