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Showing posts from May, 2012
It's our next group meeting on Wednesday 13th June, from 6 - 7.45pm at Manchester Carers Centre . Come along if you support a family member or friend with a mental health problem or if you experience mental health problems yourself. You'll be sure of a warm welcome. As well as a cup of tea, snack and catch up, we'll be planning fundraising activities for the coming year. If you are travelling by public transport or by foot, a ‘walking bus’ will leave from the taxi rank at Manchester Piccadilly station at 5:30pm. Please call Lindsey Cree on 07757 082976 to let us know you will be coming, so we know to wait for you. If you are travelling by car then free parking is available on Pollard Street from 6pm.

Cuts: show us the money! Take action now...

Last year Rethink Mental Illness, the national charity that we're a part of, asked councils to tell them if they had cut or increased the money they plan to spend on mental health services. They got some very confusing answers. In fact, some councils asked them to wait for the figures they submit to the Government later in the year instead. They did - and these numbers weren’t clear either. Rethink Mental Illness believes that you should be able to easily get to clear information that shows how much money your council spends on the mental health services they provide. They think this is vital at a time when services are being cut and councils have less money. That's why Rethink Mental Illness is calling on Grant Shapps, the Minister responsible for local government to ensure that councils show communities what they are spending on services . You can help by taking action. Find out what's happening in your local council and email Grant Shapps, the  Minster for Local...

AGM report

Thanks to everyone who came to our AGM last month. We were pleased to welcome David Worthington as Treasurer, who was voted in by the group. David is a long standing member of RMCIA and Rethink Mental Illness and has a son with mental health problems. We've got some fundraising activities planned for the year ahead to ensure we have the funds we need to keep the group going.

It's our AGM tonight

It’s our AGM tonight and as well as being a good chance to review the past year it’s a great opportunity to communicate with each other about what we would like to see happening in our group. So come along and share your thoughts. Our current treasurer, Shail, is standing down this year and we would like to thank her for the time she has given to us. We will be looking for someone to fill the role, so if you are interested let us know. Also, if you are not a member of Rethink Mental Illness come along to find out how you can join and become part of the UK’s largest charity for people with severe mental illness, their families, friends and colleagues. The AGM tonight is from 6 – 7.45pm at Manchester Carers Centre . If you are travelling by public transport or by foot, a ‘walking bus’ will leave from the taxi rank at Manchester Piccadilly station at 5:30pm. Please call Lindsey Cree on 07757 082976 to let us know you will be coming, so we know to wait for you. If you are travelling b...

Befriending service for 15 - 25 year olds from YASP

Would you like to get out more or try new things but aren’t sure how? Perhaps you want to go back to college, meet new friends, try an activity, be a volunteer or find out what is going on in your area. Manchester Mind has befrienders who can help you get out more and find activities you would enjoy. You would be matched with a befriender who will help you work towards your goals. Please contact Manchester Mind if you are aged 15-25 and are interested in the befriending service: t: 0161 221 3054 e: fb: YASP web: