Our next meeting is this Thursday 11th October at the usual time of 6 - 7:30pm at MadLab - PLEASE NOTE NEW LOCATION. Whether you've been coming to the group for years or have never been, we're here to give you a warm welcome and a friendly ear. Free tea, coffee and biscuits for all.
Meetings will take place on the second Thursday of the month for the foreseeable future.
We are lucky to have a mental health nurse coming to talk to us about her work to increase therapeutic interventions as an alternative to medication. Jackie qualified as a mental health nurse in 2005 and worked in adult acute inpatient care at Meadowbrook till 2015. Following this she worked in an Approved Premises as a CPN working with male offenders whom were on licence from Custody. Jackie's talk will take place promptly at 6:15 and will end by 7pm (including Q&A). The meeting will continue until 7:30pm for anyone who would like to stay.
MADLAB HAS MOVED - see https://madlab.org.uk/find-us/