We are meeting this coming Wednesday 9th March at our usual time of 6 -
7:45pm at Manchester Carers Centre, 12-18 Pollard Street, M4 7AN. For
directions see below.
Our speaker this month is Val Bayliss-Brideaux from Manchester Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCGs are responsible for making decisions about
health services that are provided across much of Manchester). She is coming
to get our feedback on a new 5-year health and social care plan from
Manchester CCGs and Manchester City Council. You can read a copy of the plan here http://www.manchesterccgs.nhs.uk/download.cfm?doc=docm93jijm4n3311.pdf&ver=4205 and Val will be running through it at the meeting. She has
provided a link to a survey which asks for ideas to improve health and
social care outcomes in Manchester - here's the link (feel free to complete
before or after the meeting): https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/82XBK5M
CCGs commission a large chunk of mental health services so this is a good
opportunity for us to emphasise how important it is that service users and
carers are involved in service design and delivery - research has shown
that involving people using mental health services can save up to 7% of
If you would like a paper copy of the plan, please email
talkinghealthmanchester@nhs.net and these can be posted out to you.
Directions to Manchester Carers Centre
For those travelling on public transport the carers centre is directly
opposite the New Islington Metrolink stop (Droylsden line). There is free
on-street parking outside the centre from 6pm.
7:45pm at Manchester Carers Centre, 12-18 Pollard Street, M4 7AN. For
directions see below.
Our speaker this month is Val Bayliss-Brideaux from Manchester Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCGs are responsible for making decisions about
health services that are provided across much of Manchester). She is coming
to get our feedback on a new 5-year health and social care plan from
Manchester CCGs and Manchester City Council. You can read a copy of the plan here http://www.manchesterccgs.nhs.uk/download.cfm?doc=docm93jijm4n3311.pdf&ver=4205 and Val will be running through it at the meeting. She has
provided a link to a survey which asks for ideas to improve health and
social care outcomes in Manchester - here's the link (feel free to complete
before or after the meeting): https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/82XBK5M
CCGs commission a large chunk of mental health services so this is a good
opportunity for us to emphasise how important it is that service users and
carers are involved in service design and delivery - research has shown
that involving people using mental health services can save up to 7% of
If you would like a paper copy of the plan, please email
talkinghealthmanchester@nhs.net and these can be posted out to you.
Directions to Manchester Carers Centre
For those travelling on public transport the carers centre is directly
opposite the New Islington Metrolink stop (Droylsden line). There is free
on-street parking outside the centre from 6pm.