Here's some informtion we have received about a research study aimed at carers - there is an online survey:
"If you are over 18 years old, and have weekly contact with your relative with mental health difficulties, we'd really like to hear from you. A postgraduate research student at the University of Liverpool is carrying out a study aiming to better understand the emotional experiences of caring for a relative with mental health difficulties. We understand that this can be difficult, so our aim is to help improve service provision for carers. This is a short study containing three questionnaires. One has been especially designed in consultation with carers.
"The questionnaires take approximately 30 minutes. You can complete them online via the link below, or you can complete a paper copy. Further information is also included in the link below, but please contact Leanne Messham at if you have any queries.
Please contact Mary Patel on if you would prefer a paper copy of the questionnaires- these will be sent out with a stamped envelope for return. All data will remain anonymous.
This research has been approved by the University of Liverpool ethics committee, and is supervised by Dr Bill Sellwood, senior lecturer at the Division of Clinical Psychology.
Please follow this link to the study: