We had our AGM yesterday evening and we are so pleased to welcome our new Group Co-ordinator. Vics says:
"I have a strong interest in fairness and know from personal experience (my brother has a diagnosis of Schizophrenia) that people with mental health problems can often feel they don’t have a voice and even when they do they aren’t heard, and one day I would love to work in mental health.
"I’m currently Divisional Operations Manager with Capital Education Resourcing. I live in Winton (near Eccles) and have 3 cats, Ruby, Beryl and Chica who are sisters. I’m getting married in August and my new surname will be Rimmer."
Vics was voted in unanimously.
Lindsey Cree continues to be our Chair and we also had a new Treasurer, Mary Patel, voted in. Mary has just stepped down from the Group Co-ordinator role and also holds the role of Secretary.