Rethink Manchester Carers in Action is a volunteer run peer support group of mental health carers and service users. Our current Chair, Mary, is stepping down after five years in the role so we need a new Group Co-ordinator to oversee the running of the group. The role involves inviting liaising with our national charity Rethink Mental Illness, inviting speakers, writing our newsletter, updating our website and answering occasional phone and email enquiries.
You will be supported by our Group Chair and Treasurer, as well as by Rethink Mental Illness nationally. The role can be carried out by one person or two sharing the responsibilities.
We meet once a month at Manchester Carers Centre, on a Wednesday evening, from 6 - 7:45pm. You would need to be free to attend meetings at this time. We need to fill the role from May 2014 onwards.
Download a full role description.
For an overview of how Rethink Manchester Carers in Action works with Rethink Mental Illness nationally, download the Groups Charter.
Download a poster advertising the role to share with your contacts.
For more information contact Mary Patel or Lindsey Cree:, tel 07816 754 032 (Mary) or 07757 082 976 (Lindsey).
You will be supported by our Group Chair and Treasurer, as well as by Rethink Mental Illness nationally. The role can be carried out by one person or two sharing the responsibilities.
We meet once a month at Manchester Carers Centre, on a Wednesday evening, from 6 - 7:45pm. You would need to be free to attend meetings at this time. We need to fill the role from May 2014 onwards.
Download a full role description.
For an overview of how Rethink Manchester Carers in Action works with Rethink Mental Illness nationally, download the Groups Charter.
Download a poster advertising the role to share with your contacts.
For more information contact Mary Patel or Lindsey Cree:, tel 07816 754 032 (Mary) or 07757 082 976 (Lindsey).