Below is some information about an event taking place in Manchester on the 17th May...
Come and join the conversation about Recovery and mental health services in Manchester. The first meeting of the Supporting Recovery in Manchester Network will be held on 17th May 2012 at the Friends Meeting House on Lloyd Street, Manchester.
This event is open to anyone who is interested in Recovery, staff, service users, carers and anyone involved with voluntary sector/partner organisation/ Manchester City Council.
Professor Rachel Perkins and a peer expert from the national ImROC programme,, will provide a presentation on Co-production: Working Together for Recovery.
In the afternoon there will be an opportunity to discuss some of the key themes for the Supporting Recovery in Manchester programme:
* Peer support
* Recovery Education College
* Risk and Recovery
* The development of Recovery Pledges for the Trust and the Supporting Recovery in Manchester Network.
There are a limited number of places available for this event that will be allocated on a first come basis.
If you would like to attend please contact Reg Connor on 0161 234 5902 or