Please see below for an urgent notice about getting involved in commissioning for health care services in North and Central Manchester.
Very important - we need local voices on these groups to get the best/ correct health care for our communities !!! - please circulate to your contacts , especially people who have a GP in North Manchester. Thankyou.
Please let us know if you are interested by 5pm on by Friday 17 February. Contact: North:
Advertisement for North & Central Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) Patient and Public Advisory Groups
The GP-led Clinical Commissioning Groups in north and central Manchester are looking for public representatives to act as a ‘voice’ on behalf of patients registered with north and central Manchester GP practices. The groups will be supported by NHS staff.
Who might become a member of a Patient and Public Advisory Group?
We welcome anyone living and / or working in north or central Manchester to apply to become a member of the group. Preference will be given to those who live in north or central Manchester and are registered with a north or central Manchester GP practice. We are looking for individuals who:
- Are aged 16 years and above.
- Have experience of the healthcare system in north or central Manchester as a patient or carer.
- Have an interest in local healthcare issues.
- Have an interest in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
- Are able to take an objective approach to priority setting and who can take a broad view of the role to encompass the viewpoint of others.
Although training will be given in order for individuals to feel confident representing views on behalf of diverse local communities, we welcome diversity within the group, and would encourage individuals of all ages, ethnicities, disabilities etc to apply.
Application packs will be sent out week commencing Monday 24 February to all applicants, including those who have applied previously. Applicants who work as health professionals would not normally be appointed, as there are other ways for their views to be heard. Please note that this invitation is only for north and central Manchester as the group in the south CCG area has already been set up.
Please let us know if you are interested by 5pm on by Friday 17 February. Contact: