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Rethink Mental Illness Members' Day 2011

I spent yesterday (Saturday) at Rethink Mental Illness' annual Members Day, at the Russell Hotel in London. I met my mum there, who is group co-ordinator of two groups on the Welsh/English border (go mum!) as well as one of our group members, Martine. It was also great to catch up (and meet in some instances) Rethink Mental Illness staff and other group members from all over the country.

Despite the tough financial climate, Rethink Mental Illness is doing okay, with membership numbers healthy (though if you're not already a member do sign up and support the charity's great work - only around £2 a month). We heard about Rethink's plans for the coming year and I attended a workshop on the new Schizophrenia Commission which has just recently been launched, as well as Rethink's most recently campaign 'Unhappy Birthday Schizophrenia' to mark 100 years since psychiatrist Eugen Bleuler first coined the term. Send an 'Unhappy Birthday' card to Prime Minister David Cameron and help support the campaign to get better treatment and lives for people with schizophrenia.

Group members and keen readers of this blog will know that Rethink Manchester Carers in Action was nominated for the Rethink Mental Illness Group of the Year award. The winner was announced at the Members Day and though I can announce that we didn't win (this time!) the award did go to a fantastic group Harrow Rethink Support Group, who amongst many other things run a community choir. Lots of inspiration there!

All in all a good day - thanks to all the staff at Rethink Mental Illness for organising it.


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