Just received details of an event you might be interested in.
The event, which is free and open to everyone, is part of a series called 'Cafe Scientifique' which aims to foster a dialogue between scientists and the community. The one coming up is called 'Understanding Psychosis'. A professor of clinical psychology will give a short presentation, and then open up the floor for questions from the audience.
Date:February 23rd 2011
Time: 6 pm
Where: Krobar on Oxford road, corner of Dover street (note - NOT the one near the BBC but the one 10 minutes walk south)
Title: Understanding psychosis
Speaker: Tony Morrison
What is this about? Many people have unusual experiences and beliefs, such as hearing voices, seeing visions or believing that others are trying to harm or control them or put thoughts into their head. Some people are troubled by such experiences; others are not. Can we understand why these experiences occur, why they are associated with distress and disability for some and not others and how talking therapies can be used to reduce distress and improve quality of life in those who are troubled by them?
More info here.
The event, which is free and open to everyone, is part of a series called 'Cafe Scientifique' which aims to foster a dialogue between scientists and the community. The one coming up is called 'Understanding Psychosis'. A professor of clinical psychology will give a short presentation, and then open up the floor for questions from the audience.
Date:February 23rd 2011
Time: 6 pm
Where: Krobar on Oxford road, corner of Dover street (note - NOT the one near the BBC but the one 10 minutes walk south)
Title: Understanding psychosis
Speaker: Tony Morrison
What is this about? Many people have unusual experiences and beliefs, such as hearing voices, seeing visions or believing that others are trying to harm or control them or put thoughts into their head. Some people are troubled by such experiences; others are not. Can we understand why these experiences occur, why they are associated with distress and disability for some and not others and how talking therapies can be used to reduce distress and improve quality of life in those who are troubled by them?
More info here.