For our last meeting before the Christmas break, we would like to invite you to a ‘Bring and Share’ event. All are welcome – carers, service users and professionals.
Wednesday 8th December
6pm – 8pm
Manchester Carers Centre, Vulcan Mill, Pollard Street, Manchester M4 7AN
Just bring along a bit of food to share around! Drinks will be provided.
As well as a social evening, we will be spending part of our time planning activity for 2011.
A ‘walking bus’ will leave from the taxi rank at Manchester Piccadilly station (on the Fairfield Street side) at 5:30pm. If you would like to meet here please call Mary on 07816 754 032. If you need to walk back into town after the event there will be others to walk back with.
For more information call Mary on 07816 754 032.
Wednesday 8th December
6pm – 8pm
Manchester Carers Centre, Vulcan Mill, Pollard Street, Manchester M4 7AN
Just bring along a bit of food to share around! Drinks will be provided.
As well as a social evening, we will be spending part of our time planning activity for 2011.
A ‘walking bus’ will leave from the taxi rank at Manchester Piccadilly station (on the Fairfield Street side) at 5:30pm. If you would like to meet here please call Mary on 07816 754 032. If you need to walk back into town after the event there will be others to walk back with.
For more information call Mary on 07816 754 032.