We'll be meeting this Wednesday 13th June, 6 - 7:30pm. PLEASE NOTE: meeting will take place at Ziferblat cafe , 1st Floor, 23 Edge Street, Manchester M4 1HW. Ziferblat is directly opposite where our meetings have taken place until last month at MadLab on Edge Street. All are welcome - teas and coffees are on us :) All being well we will be back at MadLab from next month (in their new building). They are having some soundproofing work done at the new building - there is a choir in on the same evening as us so it could be a bit noisy otherwise! AGM postponed: Because we're meeting in the Ziferblat cafe this month our AGM will be postponed until our 11th July meeting.
We are a volunteer run support group for anyone in Manchester who is affected by severe mental illness, whether as a carer or service user. We are affiliated to the national charity Rethink Mental Illness.