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Showing posts from October, 2013

We respond to Manchester Clinical Commissioning Group consultation

Central, North and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups have recently consulted on their  commissioning intentions for mental health services. We have responded to the consultation and you can read a copy of our response (pdf) her e. The main focus of our response was asking for greater involvement of carers and service users in the mental health system. You can find the original commissioning intentions document here and more information at .

Launch event for research on talking therapy for African Caribbean patients with schizophrenia

Positive Postcards at The Lowry until 7th November

Our friends over at Making Mental Health Positive have put together this inspiring exhibition of postcards to send a positive message about mental health. It's on at the Lowry, Salford Quays, until 7th November. You can find MMHP at or on twitter at @MMHPuk.