Consultation Opportunity for Families Bringing Up Children Where a Parent Has Severe Mental Health Difficulties
Researchers at the University of Manchester are now planning a new research study to help families where there is a parent with severe mental health difficulties. The researchers would like to hear about the experiences of families with a child of up to around 10 years of age who might be having difficulty in bringing them up. Are you a parent with a severe mental health difficulty? Or are you are a family member helping to support someone with mental health difficulties to raise their children e.g. a grandparent or other family carer? Would you be prepared to spend an hour with a researcher either in-person or by phone discussing your views and experiences to help us design a good study aimed at helping others? Confidentiality will be respected. Local travel expenses will be reimbursed and you are offered payment of £10 as a token of appreciation. For further details or to arrange a discussion please contac...