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Showing posts from August, 2012

My interview with BBC Radio Manchester

Lindsey Cree is a carer, Involvement Worker with Rethink Mental Illness, Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) instructor, Trainer, Counsellor in private practice, Researcher with Manchester University. She writes here about a recent radio internveiw Lindsey addressing a recent RMCIA event As Chair of Rethink Manchester Carers In Action (RMCIA) I write our monthly newsletter and email it to our contacts. Those on our mailing list are a varied bunch – carers, service users, mental health organisations, professionals and local media/newspapers. Our August 2012 newsletter focussed on a wellbeing and fundraising event to raise funds to give our carers a treat, and was picked up by BBC Radio Manchester who telephoned me to ask if I would come in a few days later and give a 30 minute Live interview about our carers group, how I got involved, and our upcoming event. I immediately knew this was an excellent opportunity to talk to the general public about severe mental illness. I had never sp...

What a great day!

"As carers of someone with a severe mental illness, we tend to put ourselves last. Today is about celebrating our role and having some fun." These words from our Chair, Lindsey Cree, pretty much sum up the Fundraising and Wellbeing day we had at Manchester Carers Centre on Tuesday. I really enjoyed talking to all the stall holders about the services their organisations provide. Sometimes it can feel as if we're on our own but there are many people out there to help us through advocacy, counselling, therapy, training or just a friendly ear. It's good to be reminded of this sometimes. I didn't get the chance to take up one of the many workshops on offer but I know lots of people enjoyed a hand massage, or mini makeover or even a self confidence counselling session. We all need a bit of me time! We're thrilled to bits that the event raised £250 for Rethink Manchester Carers in Action. We are 100% volunteer run so all that will go towards helping menta...

Listen to Lindsey!

Did you manage to catch our Chair, Lindsey Cree, on BBC Radio Manchester on Friday? No? Well, if not, you have four days left to catch her on iPlayer . You'll need to go to 2 hours and 8 minutes into the show. Lindsey talks about the role of carers and family in mental health.

Only two days to go!

In just two days, on Tuesday 14th, we're holding a special Wellbeing and Fundraising event at Manchester Carers Centre. We've gots lots of stall holders with information on their services, a fantastic raffle, a bring and buy sale (so don't forget to bring something), tasty nibbles and lots of taster sessions including confidence booster sessions and mini massages. Come along any time between 11.30 and 4.30. Hope to see you there!

Radio star

This Friday at 11am our Group Chair, Lindsey Cree, is being interviewed on BBC Radio M/c, 95.1 FM by Heather Stott. Lindsey will be talking about carers of those with a mental illness. Do tune in if you can. Good luck Lindsey we know you'll be great!