An information and discussion day for family members, friends and workers about people who hear voices. St Thomas Centre, Higher Ardwick Green, Manchester Saturday 9th June 2012, 10.00 – 15.30 RMCIA are pleased to announce an event for carers and families of those who hear voices. The workshop is intended to help you develop more empowering ways of thinking about your family member/friends voice hearing experience in the hope that it will help you find ways to assist them in their emotional development and recovery from hearing overwhelming voices. Our Chair, Lindsey Cree will be there to introduce the day, and says: “There is very little practical advice available about people who hear voices that addresses needs as parents, family members and friends. This is a shame because you are the most important form of support to them. I welcome the chance to get to know that there are some simple common sense things that can be done to help a family member o...
We are a volunteer run support group for anyone in Manchester who is affected by severe mental illness, whether as a carer or service user. We are affiliated to the national charity Rethink Mental Illness.