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Showing posts from August, 2011

Update on closure of MRI inpatient services

The NHS North West Board has approved the capital funding for Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust's Inpatient Pathway Redesign (IPR) Project. See the Trust's website for more information about this . This means that the Trust will now proceed with plans to relocate its inpatient services to two sites from the current three. The change will result in the inpatient beds that are currently at Edale House at Manchester Royal Infirmary being relocated to Park House on the North Manchester General Hospital site. The Trust says: "This will give us unprecedented opportunities to improve care to our service users and their carers." When the Trust announced its intention to close the inpatient unit at MRI we wrote to the Manchester Evening News to express our concerns about the extra burden this would place on some carers in terms of extra travelling time. The Trust's latest communication about the IPR states that: "The work in addressing concerns about ...

Laced Banana anyone?

The world of mental health can sometimes feel full of debate about service provision with little space left for creativity and free thinking. That's why I always enjoy hearing from organisations like Asylum or arts organisations that open up debate and challenge thinking in ways that conversations about statutory services - however important - just can't. So I was interested to find an email in my inbox this week from an outfit called Laced Banana. They describe themselves as "a theatre production company creating socially relevant theatre that aims to educate, inform and open minds." They've just finished a production called Blowing Whistles, a play about what it's like to be a gay man in 2011.They're now on the look out for people who have had experience of mental health problems to help put together their next production. Here are the details on exactly what Amy and the team at Laced Banana would like your help on: 1. A new full-length verbatim p...

Cuts - Rethink need your personal stories

Here's a message we've received from Rethink that you might be interested in: Rethink Mental Illness is really concerned about cuts to mental health services, and we want to make sure the Government knows the impact these cuts are having on people affected by mental illness. We are compiling a report to raise awareness of this issue and to fight unfair cuts, and we urgently need our members, activists and supporters to tell us about how cuts have affected them personally. Your story could feature in our report, and we are also looking for people who would be interested in talking to the media about how they have been affected by cuts. This could mean having your name and photograph published, but if you would feel more comfortable to tell your story anonymously then that could also be an option. To tell us about how cuts to mental health services have affected you, please fill in our online form . We are particularly keen to hear about cuts to housing, crisis or inpatient s...

Opportunity to participate in research

CareLoop: a mobile phone system for monitoring mental health and supporting self-management It’s common for service users with severe mental health problems to experience a range of distressing symptoms, which can change depending on levels of stress and a range of things. When these symptoms become worse it’s often hard to monitor them, it can be difficult to access help, and sometimes results in you having to go into hospital. This study is seeing whether you can monitor your mental health through the use of telephones. Normally you would see a doctor, nurse or other health professional every few weeks and they would ask you questions about how you are feeling. This means sometimes things are forgotten. It is hoped that with a telephone system symptoms are recorded as they are happening (like a living diary). This might it easier to discuss your thoughts and feelings with health care workers; it might also mean that when you are becoming unwell more support could be provided to s...

This week's meeting cancelled

Due to disturbances in Manchester City Centre tonight, we have taken the decision to cancel the Rethink Manchester Carers in Action meeting that was due to be held this week, Wednesday 10th August. Our next meeting will now be on Wednesday 14th September. As usual, we will be posting news updates to our blog at If you need to get in touch with anyone in the meantime, either for information on the group, or just for a chat if things are difficult, you can get hold of me on the mobile number below. Rethink has sent out the following message through their Facebook page: "A message to any of our Facebook followers who may have been affected by disturbancies in UK cities over night - do get in touch with family or friends if you're feeling anxious or distressed, or call a support line such as the Samaritans to talk it over with someone. They're on 08457 909090 or We hope that none of you or your family and friends have been affect...

Opportunity to influence Manchester GPs on mental health issues

Apologies, but I've lifted the text of this post from NHS Manchester's website, the current commissioning body in the city. You can read the full article here . GPs in Manchester would like to hear from local people who want to become involved in designing the future of health services in the city National NHS reforms are changing the way health services in Manchester will be planned, arranged and funded in the future. Local GPs are forming ‘Clinical Commissioning Groups’ which will work closely with hospitals, community health services and social care services to organise and develop health services which improve the quality of care available in the city. There are 3 ways people can get involved: 1) Apply to join Patient and Public Advisory Groups. Situated within the Clinical Commissioning Groups and reporting to the Board, these bodies will consist of approximately 12 people who will represent the views of the local community and comment on plans and developments bei...

We've been nominated for Rethink Group of the Year award!

We are delighted to announce that Rethink Manchester Carers in Action has been nominated for a Pringle Award, under the ‘Group of the Year’ category. What is more, one of our group members, Ellen Foran, has been nominated for the Rethink Member of the Year award! The yearly Pringle Awards recognise and celebrate the commitment, imagination and achievements of Rethink’s members, services and groups. So, we have our fingers crossed! The awards will be presented at this year's Rethink National Members Day & Annual General Meeting on Saturday 12th November 2011 in Central London. More information and a booking form will be online available from mid September. For more information visit the Rethink website .

Rethink North West Conference - 28th September

Rethink Mental Illness (the new name for Rethink) has organised a conference for service users, carers and professionals, covering important issues including: Welfare rights, changes to benefits, cuts to services Mental illness and your GP, and physical healthcare The event will take place on Wednesday 28th September, from 10.30am - 4.00pm at the Imperial Hotel, Blackpool. It is FREE to Rethink members, £12 for service users and carers, and £50 for professionals. If you're not a member you can join today (£12 for six months or £24 for one year) and benefit from the free rate. For more detail about the event and a booking form, contact Reservations, Rethink Mental Illness, 122 Westgate, Wakefield, WF1 1XP, email or phone 01924 433202.

New Rethink group to start up in Stockport

If you are interested in finding out more about a Rethink Carers Group in Stockport please come along to: The Stockport Carers Group Meeting at the Wellbeing Centre Graylaw House Chestergate SK1 1LZ Tuesday 9th August from 6.00pm to 8.00pm Ruth Bettie Rethink Groups Manager [North] will be talking about what joining a Rethink Group can do for you         For more information please ring: 07800919248