Next Wednesday, 12th May, we're holding an information evening to explore different perspectives on recovery and how people can recovery - and be supported to recover - from a mental illness. We're delighted to have speakers from The Roby and from Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust talk about the work they are doing to support the process of recovery. Meet and socialise with other people who are affected by mental illness, either personally or through a caring or family connection. Everyone welcome – food and drink will be provided. Wednesday 12th May 2010 5:30pm – 7pm Followed by our AGM 7pm – 8pm (all welcome) Manchester Carers Centre Beswick House, Beswick Row Manchester, M4 4PR For more information call Manchester Carers Centre on 0161 835 4090 or email Mary Rayner on . The event is part of our 'Wish List' campaign. We have four wishes for improving services in Manchester...promoting recovery, making services users and carers central to the imp...
We are a volunteer run support group for anyone in Manchester who is affected by severe mental illness, whether as a carer or service user. We are affiliated to the national charity Rethink Mental Illness.