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Showing posts from November, 2009

What's your mental health wish list?

To celebrate the end of 2009 Rethink Manchester Carers in Action have put together a ‘wish list’ of what we’d like mental health provision to look like in Manchester, covering areas such as use of the recovery model and involving carers and service users in staff training. We want to know what else you think should be on the list and would particularly like service users' views. After the event we will be handing the wish list to Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust. So whether you’re a service user, carer or professional, we hope you can come along, tell us what else you want on the wish list and join our festive celebration. Wednesday 9th December 2009, 6-8pm Manchester Carers Centre Beswick Row, M4 4PR Buffet food and drinks will be provided Please let us know if you’d like to come Email Mary Rayner, Group Co ordinator: Or call Manchester Carers Centre on 0161 835 4090

Time to Change campaign is recruiting

Time to Change, the national anti-stigma campaign, is recruiting for 'Lived Experience Advisors'. They want to hear from anyone who has direct experience as a survivor, service user or carer, is involved with national, regional or local networks and has skills in public speaking, media work, research, involving others or community engagement. This is a chance to join England's most amitious campaign to end mental health discrimination. For more information, including application forms, visit the Time to Change website , email , or phone on 020 8215 2356.