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Showing posts from September, 2009

Personalisation in mental health - what does it mean?

One of the major shifts in health and social care policy over the past five years has been how to allow individuals to have more control over the care package they receive - called 'personalisation'. Most of the trialling of personalisation so far has happened with social care. However, currently the Department of Health is working with over 70 Primary Care Trusts nationally which have applied to test out personal health budgets – using health money to create personalised solutions. In the North West there are currently around 10 PCTs bidding to achieve formal pilot status. It's early days for personalisation in mental health but I'll be watching to see what the results are from these pilots. For more information see the North West Mental Health Improvement Programme's latest bulletin at . You can subscribe to this yourself using a link at the bottom of the document.

Preparing for swine flu - info for carers

If you feel that you'd like to be prepared in case you are unlucky enough to get swine flu this year, you might be interested in this information I've received from Manchester City Council... Carers can plan for an emergency as part of a Carer's Needs Assessment. In the assessment, they can discuss how they would like the person that they care for to be looked after if they become ill or their situation changes and there is also the option to have an emergency sitting service available as back-up. The assessment is simply a discussion about their needs as a carer and, as well as planning for an emergency, it gives carers the chance to find out about other services that could help them in their caring role. To request a Carer's Needs Assessment, carers can simply call Manchester's Contact Service on 0161 255 8250. Carers should also find themselves a flu-friend or flu-friends who understand their caring role and, as well as being able to assist the carer, may be a...

Support for carers 'too complex' says report

Britain's six million unpaid carers who look after relatives or dependents are missing out on crucial benefits because of overly complex rules, MPs have concluded. A report by the Commons public accounts committee revealed that carers claim only £2bn in benefits, while their work saves the Treasury an estimated £23bn a year in health bills. For the full story see here .

Collective Voice North West

The standing conference for service users, carers and the public now has a new name – Collective Voice North West. The first event was held in Liverpool in July – see this short film . The next Collective Voice North West event will be held in Manchester on the 12th October, in conjunction with World Mental health Day. The theme of the event will be ‘stigma’ with opportunities throughout the day to engage in discussions, workshops and a marketplace. Bookings for the event via

Shaping the future of care together: reply by 13 November 2009

Your chance to have your say on the reform of adult care and support in England. The Government wants to create a National Care Service which is fair, simple and affordable. How should they do it? They have published the Green Paper for public consultation. Copies of the full Green Paper, Shaping the Future of Care Together, and the Easy Read version are available from:- DH publications orderline PO Box 777 London SE1 6XH Email: Tel: 0300 123 1002 Minicom: 0300 123 1003 Quote the reference, 295936/Shaping the Future of Care Together for the full Green Paper and, for the shorter version, 295936/ER Shaping the Future of Care Together – Easy Read. You can also order copies through the Department of Health Orderline here . Or read the consultation on the Department of Health's website . Copies in alternative languages and formats are also available, but upon request so may take some time to produce. Email with your details to order.